Monday, March 22, 2010

Potty Training Made Simple?

I know I'm asking for it, and I can feel doom lurking over my shoulder, just waiting for me to type these words, but...

Thomas has done an amazing job with potty training!

Maybe I've just had more reasonable expectations, but, honestly, it has been a few weeks since we began, and after the first few days, he has been accident free. That excludes nighttime, of course. Sometimes he still goes in his pull-up overnight, but sometimes he doesn't, so I think he's on his way.

I have developed a technique that appears to work pretty well, although I'm sure the American Association of Pediatrics would frown on it!

Keep up the good work, little T!


1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congrats! I am REALLY afraid of potty training. But I don't have to worry about it for awhile yet.

My mom always bribed us with toys when we reached a potty training goal. I know that is frowned on by pediatricians these days, but she said it worked like a dream!